On the top floor of this destroyed building, you should be able to add plenty of ammunition and curative items to your inventory, including Stimpaks, RadAway, 10mm Rounds, Missiles, Shotgun Shells, and more. The hollowed-out building you find yourself in the middle once outside can be climbed via some staircases that have survived the nuclear bombardment. Once outside, there are more goods to get. Clean the place up before heading outside. You should find a total of five Stimpaks within, some RadAway and Rad-X, Recon Armor, plenty of ammunition (such as 10mm Rounds, 5.56mm Rounds, and. You'll likely want to avoid those goods, but it's the more valuable and useful goods amongst them you don't want to miss.

After all, free items are free items! Scour to find lots of incidental items ( Coffee Mugs, Drink Glasses and the like). The compound seems bigger than it actually is, and there's not an incredible amount of goods here in the first place, but there's still plenty of reasons to visit this place before going to visit the stray Rangers. Continue to traverse the pathways around you to find the entrance to the compound, using the password Reilly gave you to avoid having to hack their computers. When you begin to find Reilly's Rangers logos spray-painted on walls, which consists of two swords crossing over a green four-leaf clover, you're close. Though there seems to be many areas to explore, it all funnels towards the east end of the map. The best way to get there from Seward Square is to go into the obliterated residential area adjacent to the Capitol Building. It's likely far away from anything else you've yet explored, unless you've been quite thorough in uncovering various locations around the Wasteland. Reilly has already marked your Pip-Boy's map with the exact location of her compound, which is located downtown, on the easternmost border of the Capital Wasteland. When you're ready, it's time to sniff out the Reilly's Rangers HQ. Make sure to scour their bodies for needed material after they're slain, and then head rightward (going to the left from the stairs will lead to a debris-filled dead end).

However, the residuals are creatures you're going to have to directly deal with or dodge in order to proceed.

Strangely enough, the first time you visit this area, Mini Nukes will rain from the sky (possibly from the Enclave), negating some of the Super Mutants' strength and numbers. Seward Square Northeast is chock full of Super Mutants, so you're going to have to deal with them.